

The education center's expansion comes at a time when many U.S. public schools are cutting back on their art programs. The current federal education law known as No Child Left Behind calls on schools to significantly increase class time on math and reading, often at the expense of other subjects, like art.

But supporters of art educators say this is a mistake. They point to recent studies, like one conducted last year by the Guggenheim Museum, which finds that students who study art are better students overall.

The Guggenheim study found that school-age children whose curriculum includes art perform better in six categories of literacy and critical thinking than those with no art study.

アメリカで,"No Child Left Behind"法が施行されてから,数学や読解の授業が増え,美術などが減らされているそうです。しかし,グッゲンハイム美術館で昨年行われた研究によると,美術教育を受けている子どもたちのほうが,リテラシー批判的思考の成績がいいので,この政策は間違っているのだ,と書かれています。

